Laboratory of Lymphocyte Signaling and Oncoproteome

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Poster prize for Sebastian Oberbeck

Sebastian Oberbeck was awarded for his poster on this year’s annual retreat of the Med 1 (UK Köln). Together with the other two winners he will now attend a speaking skill seminar. Congratulations, Sebastian!

Postet on February 15, 2019

Funding of Dr. Alexandra Schrader extended

The funding of Dr. Alexandra Schrader was extended by the José Carreras Leukemia Foundation. Her project, which is focusing on the role of microRNAs in T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia, will be prolonged for another year.

Read more: (German)

Postet on January 30, 2019

Alexandra Schrader’s article “The dawn of a new era in treating T-PLL” is published in Oncotorget

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Postet on January 22, 2019

Manuscript on V-beta clonality in T-PLL published

The paper “Next-generation amplicon TRB locus sequencing can overcome limitations of flow-cytometric Vβ expression analysis and confirms clonality in all T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia cases” with contributions from Sebastian Oberbeck, Petra Mayer and Alexandra Schrader is published in Cytometry Part A

read the paper

Postet on November 22, 2018
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